Coin season: Canada’s First Government Regulated Cryptocurrency Exchange and Trading Platform

Do you know that quite a long while back heaps of Bitcoin early devotees experienced issues with their assets, however they clutched their convictions and their coins, thus wise they are feeling like no one's business now,- the specialists in Crypto Industry say, - we still require Bitcoin and Ethereum to take a shot at a bigger scale, so organizations need to decentralize information and guarantee their security concerns. Presently they confront another test: considering the gigantic measure of cash contributed, it stays to be perceived what number of old-clocks and newcomers will stay unwavering to the business and will endeavor to change the world with the assistance of advancements that have as of now transformed them. These days, Block chain innovation is encountering an enormous blast. New Block chain plans are made day by day, including the biggest specialized organizations. This innovation brings forth the concept on a financial platform that offers users a way to manage contracts and award of contracts knows Coin Season.\
What Coin season all about?
CSZ is CoinSeason Coin. It is a decentralized blockchain digital asset based on ERC20 standard on the Ethereum platform. CSZ is platform token from CoinSeason Trading Platform, which can be used as transaction fees rebates and for listing new tokens at CoinSeason.
The importance of choosing Coinseason platform over other platform.\
ICO details and token allocation
CoinSeason Coin is a token launched by CoinSeason platform, referred to as” CSZ coin”. CSZ
coin is a decentralized blockchain digital asset based on the Ethereum. CSZ’s total circulation is
based on ETH, and the maximum token to be available will be equivalent to 30,000 ETH. At the
same time, CoinSeason promises never to make additional issuance. The total CSZ issued will be
calculated according to the ETH quota raised. If the funding being raised exceeds 30,000 ETH,
CoinSeason will refund the excess according to the time of the transaction.
The proportion of ICO is 10% for the Private Sale, 50% for the Crowd Sale, 10% for Marketing and
Promotion, and the remaining 30% are held by the team and founders.

Coin season mode of operation
  1. Core Technology
    Appling above-industrial-average core technology, certified memory matching technology can achieve 1.5 million transactiosn/s
  2. Form of Trading
    the trading platforms opens OTC, P2P, an C2C systems to cover all trading demands
  3. Various Foreign Currencies Supported
    CAD/USD/RMB/various cryptocurrencies
  4. Regulated and Law Abiding
    Legally regulated and registered with FINTRAC, which gives users confidence
  5. Solid Legal Advising Aid
    A set of protocols for KYC/AML, created by famous renowned law firm
  6. Trading System
    Transparent and safe trading system via blockchain transactions
  7. Policy-Friendly
    Canada, especially B.C., is supportive and providing a policy-friendly business environment to blockchain, ICO, and cryptocurrencies
  8. Strong and solid partners
    Long-time collaboration with various stable crypto capitals in the United States
Plan route
Coin season partner with the followings platform
Coin season Team member

Conclusively, CoinSeason perceives how much the propelled asset holders need a sheltered, stable, and acceptable stage with forceful costs. The CoinSeason bunch assumes that blockchain and computerized money are the dynamic instruments to discharge the potential in all business parts. Our gathering is anxious to witness the force of blockchain and come oblige us by taking an intrigue our ICO!
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Name: Solomon3158


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